Know our indicators

The indicators have been created after consulting with over 300 experts from different stakeholder groups such as media and information, regulators, academia, civil society, among others.

They are divided into four groups:

Company emitting the content

1.1. Transparency in ownership and governance model: Public information on corporation website about ownership and corporate government model.

1.2. Sources of revenue: Public information on corporation website about main sources of revenue, particularly from advertisers.

1.3. Policies: Existence of a code of conduct, company policies, editorial guidelines or Journalist’s Statute that explain the corporation’s stand on key aspects such as: freedom of expression, veracity, right to personal honor and to privacy, independence or sensitive content.

1.4. Control and compliance systems: Existence of mechanisms that guarantee freedom of expression and independence during the processes of elaboration and dissemination of news (existence of information counsels, channel for whistleblowers, editorial committee, etc.).


2.1. Work conditions: Type of contract, salaries and contract conditions, freedom of association, security guarantees (for instance, correspondents in conflict areas or in countries with no guarantee for freedom of expression), stability and independence to assure commitment and work quality of professionals.

2.2 Training:  Professionals receive training aimed at assuring quality of information and adaptation to changes in the sector.

2.3. Staff: Volume, diversity and geographical distribution of staff that assures the covering of news in any location, following quality information standards (veracity, accuracy, impartiality, comprehensibility).

  • Content Creation Process
  • 3.1. News Selection:  Process that assures diversity and balance of points of view.

    3.2 Source selection and verification: Diversity and qualification of sources, cross-checking of sources.

    3.3. Authorship of information: It is important that the information is presented by recognized professionals and uses specialized experts when informing about certain topics (health, legislation, economy, etc).

    3.4. Evidence record: Verification of newsworthy events. Material on which the piece of news is constructed is clear, complete, impartial, relevant, documented and put into context.

    Content Dissemination Process

    4.1 Comprehensibility: Clarity and comprehension, adequate emotional tone and language.

    4.2 Attractiveness: Resources to increase news attractiveness and comprehensibility: images, sound, studio design, expert or protagonist presence, etc.

    4.3. Protection of vulnerable audiences: Mechanisms that allow to protect vulnerable audiences before the emission of pieces of news that hold sensitive contents (terrorism, racism, violence, sex, drugs and alcohol)

    4.4. Relationship with audiences:  Procedures to establish relationships with audiences, in particular rectification of errors mechanisms.

    4.5. Labelling of sponsored content: so that it is clearly identified as such by the audience.

    • Content Creation Process:

    3.1. News Selection:  Process that assures diversity and balance of points of view.

    3.2 Source selection and verification: Diversity and qualification of sources, cross-checking of sources.

    3.3. Authorship of information: It is important that the information is presented by recognized professionals and uses specialized experts when informing about certain topics (health, legislation, economy, etc).

    3.4. Evidence record: Verification of newsworthy events. Material on which the piece of news is constructed is clear, complete, impartial, relevant, documented and put into context.

    • Content Dissemination Process:

    4.1 Comprehensibility: Clarity and comprehension, adequate emotional tone and language.

    4.2 Attractiveness: Resources to increase news attractiveness and comprehensibility: images, sound, studio design, expert or protagonist presence, etc.

    4.3. Protection of vulnerable audiences: Mechanisms that allow to protect vulnerable audiences before the emission of pieces of news that hold sensitive contents (terrorism, racism, violence, sex, drugs and alcohol)

    4.4. Relationship with audiences:  Procedures to establish relationships with audiences, in particular rectification of errors mechanisms.

    4.5. Labelling of sponsored content: so that it is clearly identified as such by the audience.

    Measuring method

    To assure trustability the indicators are measured through three different methods:

    1. Consulting of public information: Some indicators are easy to check through the website of the company emitting the news program.
    2. Content analysis: we have created a brief questionnaire that the analyst can fill out while watching a TV news program.
    3. Interviews with journalists: These interviews are used to check if the public information is true and reliable and also to ask the journalists more in depth questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.